Tuesday, December 3, 2013


At Duke, it’s sometimes hard not to get caught up in the fast-paced, minute-to-minute, class-to-practice-to-library schedule that comes with the territory of attending such a competitive university. As student-athletes, we are constantly studying for the next exam, choosing classes for the next semester, or training for the next big race. However, as our senior fall comes to an end, amidst cramming for another round of finals and bartering with our parents for more food points, it seems necessary to take a moment and reflect on the present.

This team has shaped our past three years at Duke, and will undoubtedly continue to shape us for the rest of our lives. We have lived and breathed DWR since the moment we joined this team, and have the privilege of calling this group of incredible young women our family. This year, our team has experienced unprecedented growth both on and off the water. From our new freshmen, to our upperclassmen, to our fellow senior classmates, we have come to cherish each member of this team, and each moment we experience together.   

It’s hard to believe that only one semester remains between us and life outside the Gothic wonderland of Duke. While we will most likely not go on to compete with this sport following graduation, this team has defined our college experience, and we both feel certain that our lives have changed for the better because of it. We cannot wait to help DWR continue to rise in the rankings this spring, surpass all expectations, and break records both on and off the water. We will always be proud to be Blue Devils and call Lake Michie our home.

          - Caroline Kiritsy & Elizabeth Howell