Thursday, November 13, 2014

Scrimmage Against University of Tennessee Fall 2014

Amber Oliver, Anna Petterson, Hope Knochenhauer, Taylor Konrath

Tani ONeill, Caroline Murphy, Laura Rosas, Mary Wilson

Sophie Staal, Julie Rohde, Johanna Burstein, Sarah Fletcher
Katherine Maitland & Lauren Miranda

Tara Dalton & Phoebe Donovan

2014 Fall Season. Small Boat Practice!

In the Fall Duke Women's Rowing spends a lot of time working in small boats.  This allows all our athletes to effectively continue to understand and learn the mechanics of proper boat movement and feel on the water. In the spring we will focus more in the eights and fours boats.  A lot of our athletes come to Duke already knowing how to scull and sweep, but those that only know how to sweep row will graduate after their four years with sculling experience! 

Parents Weekend At the Lake!

Parents Weekend at Lake Michie! Thanks for joining us at practice: Mr. Williams, Mr. Llorens, Mr & Mrs Wilson, and     Mr. Bowen! Also a shout out to Caroline Kiristy Alumi 2014 for coming out as well!

Lake Michie. Home of the Blue Devil Women's Rowing Team!

Duke University Rowing Docks at Lake Michie